作品为天球瓶造型,瓶底部8朵宝相花寓意八方进宝。瓶腹部选用现珍藏于北京故官博物院的国宝名画《郊原牧马图》为图案。画中8匹骏马栖息于草地之上,旁边杨柳吐青,红叶绽放,寓意春满人间、马到成功。远景处群山叠嶂、祥云缭绕,喻示江山永固、天下太平。瓶腹与瓶颈相连处有四组四合如意云头,寓意事事如意。瓶部四条巨龙与瓶腹部 8匹骏马相呼应,寓意四面八方、普天之下,龙马精神。瓶颈左右两侧各镶嵌一柄回纹造型鎏金耳,有“富贵不断头”之吉祥寓意。
The work is in the shape of a celestial sphere bottle, with 8 Baoxiang flowers at the bottom symbolizing the arrival of treasures from all directions. The belly of the bottle is designed with the national treasure painting "Pastoral Horses in the Suburban Plain", which is currently preserved in the Beijing Ancient Official Museum. In the painting, 8 galloping horses are perched on the grassland, with willows spitting green and red leaves blooming beside them, symbolizing the arrival of spring in the world and the success of horses. In the distant view, mountains are stacked and auspicious clouds are swirling, symbolizing the eternal stability of the country and the peace of the world. There are four groups of auspicious cloud heads at the junction of the bottle belly and bottleneck, symbolizing that everything goes smoothly. The four giant dragons in the bottle correspond to the eight galloping horses in the bottle's belly, symbolizing the spirit of dragons and horses in all directions and under the sky. On the left and right sides of the bottleneck, there are inlaid gilded ears in the shape of a circular pattern, symbolizing the auspicious meaning of 'wealth and prosperity never end'.